"A portrait of our children once a week, every week, in 2014."
A & E: There have been lots of requests to watch something this week and I have allowed because these bugs, while diminishing are still lingering. It feels like we haven't done much other than go to the doctor's once a week and have the odd trip to pick up or drop off Superma over the last almost-month! I guess that's winter for us. We are, however, getting very very excited about our closely-approaching holiday to Switzerland, so we're trying to take care of ourselves and get well before that date arrives. I had a lot of fun visiting several shops in the city yesterday collecting fun things for you both to do during the flights and long-ish layover in Sydney. I couldn't resist showing you (!) but now we all have to be very patient for another three weeks ;o)
T: You love playing with the kitchen utensils, but I've noticed since last week's visit from Lucy (who now feeds herself) you have been doing a lot of stirring in bowls and insisting on trying to feed yourself too! It's very cute. We have a little progress to go yet, but you are very focused and sweet to watch. You've also stood on your own a few times for several seconds, so it can't be toooo long before you realise how close you are to walking. In the meantime you busy yourself in finding any possible exit into the hallway to get to the laundry to watch the washing machine or eat Katie's cat biscuits, or alternatively make a beeline for the toilet. If the doors are shut, then pulling the heater plugs out or going for the kitchen drawers and cupboards are much-frequented destinations, but the jammed fingers not so fun :o( Constantly moving, discovering and finding things to play with these days!