Saturday 4 October 2014

:: strasbourg ::

Last Sunday I was very spoilt with the opportunity to visit the city of Strasbourg. I had heard enough to know that it is a beautiful city - the architecture is unique to the area and the river that flows through adds to the beauty. Each year Strasbourg is home to magical Christmas markets that fill it's centre city lanes. We were a bit early to experience this, but it was a treat to be there in the early autumn as the leaves turn into a spectrum of golden hues.

As we approached the city the silhouette of the distant cathedral was intriguing. I had heard about Strasbourg's beautiful cathedral, but had never seen a photo. Up close the detail and architecture is quite mind-blowing. How such a structure was created almost 1000 years ago. Incredible!

The cathedral has quite a special history in our family. The cousin of Eti's mother's (Catherine) father played the organ there for many years. It's an intricately crafted instrument in and of itself, so there is understandably a sense of pride that a part of this beautiful cathedral and city is close to the wider family. We took the opportunity to see the city from up high in the cathedral, climbing up 330-odd spiralling steps worn with grooves from the thousands who have gone before us. It was well worth the climb to have an almost-360 degree view of the city from high above, as you will see in the photos further down. The day was unseasonably but enjoyably warm. It was a very enjoyable visit and there were several tired but happy campers who arrived an hour or so later at the Europa Park camping ground to rest up for a full day ahead!


  1. Beautiful! A true memory to take with you!

  2. Wow! Gorgeous photos - what a beautiful city!

  3. oh my goodness! WOW!! Stunning - what a magical city it looks like!
