Sunday, 4 May 2014

:: 16 : 52 ::

"A portrait of our children once a week, every week, in 2014."

A: We were blessed with a lot of easter eggs that arrived in days earlier from Switzerland from Superma & Megapop, Grand-papa et Grand-maman and our dear friend Erika. As well as a traditional Swiss chocolate bunny. Needless to say an easter egg hunt was on order for Easter Sunday morning! Here was our shy but very satisfied bunny-finder :o)

E: Thanks to having a papa who loves adventures and creating fun childhood memories, our random door-leading-to-nowhere became a perfect place to jump from into a pile of mattresses, blankets and cushions! A lot of friends have 'liked' and commented on this photo on FB. I have to confess I was the one saying "Are you sure that's safe?!" I need to let go a little and allow the girls to have such fun moments as these, because they loved it and jumped over and over again!

T: Thankfully the almost-two weeks of antibiotics went without a hitch and the burst ear drum healed up well. There was a thrice-daily routine of taking the medicine then sucking on the syringe in between taking mouthfuls of food. This little man consistently amazes us with his sweet disposition and quiet strength to go through what must have been painful and do it so peacefully!

1 comment:

  1. That middle photo jumping out the window!!! Man that is freeking awesome! Gorgeous shots and anecdotes of great memories x
