Saturday, 5 July 2014

:: 27 : 52 ::

"A portrait of our children once a week, every week, in 2014."

It's been an interesting week around here. Unpacking boxes, getting used to not living near my parents and now my sister and her little family, and the wintery weather (albeit Auckland style) has stayed with us through-out. I'd rather have my family and/or their new beautiful, sunny wintery locations! Anyway, we're adjusting. The girls made the comment today "When Superma and Megapop come back from holiday..." to which I had to remind them that it's not a holiday - they are now living in another house quite far away from us. Thankfully we have an upcoming visit from Superma, and then not long afterwards we'll have my sister and co. here with us too. And we have a quickly-approaching and much-anticipated trip to Switzerland. So while life has changed a lot here lately and there can be much to feel a bit sad and unsure about, there is still a lot to enjoy and a lot to look forward to :o) 

A: You appeared in our bed in the middle of last night with a very hot temperature, which reappeared during the day today, but both times you insisted you felt ok. Hopefully that will pass quickly! After a long afternoon nap you enjoyed spending some time with the little bunnies we're caring for, who were having fun jumping in and out of the boxes in the lounge!

E: You're not as much of a sleeper as your sister - you never really have been. More and more frequently lately that means you don't last too long in your room for after-lunch rest time before you appear asking if you can get up again. It's clear that you love this one-on-one time with us and we enjoy your company and chatter. You had fun today helping Papa move the bunnies' hutch to longer grass, then helping him bring them up to have some time inside while the wind blew gales. 

T: This is most-often the scene we see when we leave you for a nap. As soon as you are laid down, you quickly get right up again, pull yourself up to your feet and chew on the edge of the cot. Several times I go in to get you after your sleep and see paint flecks on your face. I hope and trust it is all baby-safe because right along the top of the side of your cot you have been chewing! You are now 11 months old, which means that very soon you'll be one! Wow, this year has flown by, but on the other hand I can't clearly remember what life was like without you. There are grandparents counting down the days on the other side of the world to spend time with you after saying goodbye when you were only a week old. How you have changed in the time since then!

Oska: Our fourth child for another few weeks before you (unknowingly) embark on a new life in Tauranga...where you will undoubtedly be much loved and spoilt! In the meantime you spend most of your days sleeping somewhere warm, and bundled up in your winter jersey. Tonight's location in front of the fire was a great one until a certain little crawling fan of yours wouldn't leave you in peace! 

Linking in with Jodi


  1. Always makes my day when I see a new blog is up!

  2. Such sweet photo's and children. So glad things are working out and hoorah for trips!! no doubt an exciting time overall :) dont you love how anything that involves being away from the normal "home" must be a holiday? Love it x

  3. I'm so enjoying your weekly posts - I know I don't always comment but the way you capture the magic of daily life with your family is so special xx

  4. Yay for special trips and special people visiting!
